How does hypnosis work?
Have you ever wondered how hypnosis works? I’ll bet you didn’t know that you are being hypnotized on a daily basis, without your knowledge!
Here’s an example that explains how that happens: It was movie night and Heather watched World War Z . She thought it was a great movie. But she had to walk away several times to calm herself down. That’s because she got so absorbed in the movie, she felt like zombies were actually attacking her. She was terrified!
What most people don’t realize is that when you are watching television or a movie, you are in the same alpha state that you enter into during hypnosis. For about two-thirds of the time that you’re watching, you are in this daydream-like state.
Heather was overwhelmingly terrified because she had slipped into the alpha state. She unconsciously accepted the action on the screen as being real. So, she responded with the same emotions she would have felt had it actually been real. She didn’t reason out logically, that it was just a movie. So, she had to walk away to break the mood.
This is also why you become unreasonably sympathetic and cry along with a TV character. Heather was hypnotized while watching TV. Hypnosis is a state of hyper-suggestibility. It is the state in which the conscious mind and the subconscious (unconscious) mind dissociate. The conscious mind becomes subdued. The subject is more likely to accept suggestions at the subconscious level in this state.
Does hypnosis work?
Yes, for almost everyone. Most normal people over the age of seven can be hypnotized. People with an I.Q. of less than 70, people with psychosis, and most senile people generally cannot be hypnotized.
You may have seen a hypnotist perform in a movie or a stage show. Live comic hypnosis shows are popular. People are hypnotized and appear to perform tricks. They carry out unbelievably funny behaviors on stage. Unfortunately, these shows have created a lot of misconceptions about hypnosis.
For example: While the participants appear to be under the hypnotist’s control, no one can actually be controlled by a hypnotist. No one can be forced to do anything that they wouldn’t normally do. The truth is that most people who volunteer for stage hypnosis are exhibitionists. These people crave attention, so they go along with the hypnotist’s crazy suggestions.
How does hypnosis work?
So then, if the show you watched was fake, how does hypnosis really work? First lets get the misconceptions about hypnosis out of the way.
Common misconceptions about hypnosis:
• Hypnosis is sleep.
Hypnosis is not sleep. It is a state of keen awareness. If you were asleep (unconscious), you wouldn’t be able to hear the hypnotist. When the hypnotist uses the word sleep, he is referring to a hypnotic sleep. A hypnotic sleep is a relaxed state of keen awareness.
• There is a hypnotized feeling.
There is not a hypnotized feeling. You will not feel like you are in a trance. What you may feel is relaxed, or either heavy or light. You may not feel anything at all.
• The hypnotist can control me.
Wrong. The hypnotist can only make suggestions. Your protective ego state would reject any suggestion you don’t agree with. The hypnotist cannot make you do anything against your will.
• The hypnotist will make me tell my secrets.
Not unless you want to. The hypnotist does not have any control over you. You can easily reject any suggestion regarding a secret.
• Hypnotists have special powers and vibrations.
No, they are only people. They do not have magic powers or magical vibrations. Their roll is only to lead you into hypnosis willingly.
• I have to tell the truth under hypnosis.
Nope. You can lie if you want to!
Does hypnosis work?

You may have heard about failures in the use of hypnosis. The biggest reason for failure, is discontinuing hypnotherapy too soon. Even after one’s goal has been met, a person should follow up with more hypnotherapy for the greatest possible success. Your success is up to you.
How does hypnosis work with a hypnotist verses self-hypnosis?
A reputable hypnotist is recommended for the personal customization involved. However, seeing a hypnotist is expensive. Not everyone has the time or access to a reputable hypnotist. Self-hypnosis is a totally safe option. Since hypnosis is actually an ability that is within the subject, all hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis.
What about recorded sessions on CD’s and MP3 downloads?
With the right prerecorded program, in many cases you can achieve the same great results with self-hypnosis CD’s or downloads, that you can with a hypnotist guiding you. It is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis. Not really. If you fall asleep during self-hypnosis, you will awaken out of the state of hypnosis. So, self-hypnosis is totally safe to practice on your own.
How does hypnosis work with traditional hypnosis?
Most of the self-hypnosis programs available on the internet are traditional hypnosis. Traditional hypnosis doesn’t work well for a lot of people. Traditional hypnosis is based on giving direct commands. This method often fails because our generation has been taught to question everything. It is very common for our generation to do the opposite of what we are told to do.
How does hypnosis work then, if traditional hypnosis doesn’t work?
The best prerecorded hypnosis programs use a mix of traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnosis, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Together they eliminate the resistance factor.
How does hypnosis work using Ericksonian Hypnosis?
This method is powerful and effective. Metaphors (stories) are used to present suggestions and ideas to the unconscious mind, while the conscious mind is distracted by a story. This eliminates the opposition to suggestions usually found when using traditional hypnosis.
How does Neuro-Linguistic Programming work?
NLP includes dozens of different methods for invoking change. To summarize how it works, many NLP techniques depend on normal thought processes and unconscious associations.
Here is an example of the NLP “Flash” technique:
The NLP “Flash” uses the thought processes that create the problem, to eliminate it. With the Flash, the unconscious mind is programmed to automatically exchange your negative feelings and behaviors for positive feelings and behaviors. The Flash is an extremely effective technique.
Here is an example of a NLP technique, NLP Anchoring:
I’m sure you have heard an old song playing and it took you right back to a time in the past. That old song triggered feelings from the past. When you heard the song long ago, you were feeling a certain way while listening to it. Those particular feelings became attached to the song at the unconscious level of mind. The song became an ‘anchor’ or trigger for those feelings. Now when you hear that song, it triggers the same feelings again.
Karen needs the motivation to lose weight. I have Karen think of a memory in which her self-esteem was very high. I have her touch two fingers together while she is experiencing the memory. The touch becomes an anchor for the feelings. Next, I have her make a mental image of herself with a thin, sexy body, while she touches her two fingers together again. Her unconscious attaches the feeling of self-esteem to the image she wants. Karen’s level of motivation to lose weight increases dramatically.
How does Video Hypnosis work?
How does hypnosis work with Video Hypnosis? You already know you can be hypnotized by watching TV. With Neuro-VISION®, you will watch a computerized video. While watching, at the unconscious level, your mind will be programmed to use existing thought processes that to propel you in a positive direction. This will cause you to automatically exchange your negative feelings and behaviors for positive feelings and behaviors.
More than 70% of the population learns more quickly by seeing than by hearing. Results with Neuro-VISION® often start with the very first viewing!
Common uses of hypnosis:
• Alcoholism • Asthma • Appetite control • Bed-wetting • Concentration for sports • Eliminate test anxiety • Facial and body tics • Dental pain and anxiety • Stress and relaxation • Increase concentration • Pain Elimination • Quit smoking • Phobias • Depression • Insomnia • Nail-biting • Self-confidence • Migraines • Child birth Toss out the misconceptions about hypnosis and take a hypnotic shortcut to success.

Alan B. Densky, CH is the developer of the Neuro-VISION® Video Hypnosis Technology, which received a US Patent because of its uniqueness and effectiveness. My Densky, who is certified in the use of hypnosis and NLP, has extensive experience, having opened his licensed practice of hypnosis in 1978. You can review dozens of his multi-session hypnosis programs on his website.