Have you ever experienced love before?
I’m not talking about the love between family members or friends, I’m talking about love shared between two people who decide to share their lives with one another. Chances are, you have at least once in your life.
The real question is, was it positive love? Many people get confused by this question because they believe that love is a good thing all of the time. While it would be nice if things worked that way, they don’t!
Negative love does exist and there are countless people who experience it on a daily basis. We have all heard the stories and have all seen it on the news, there are many people who are in very toxic relationships that are violent and even sometimes fatal.
Some people have a really hard time wrapping their minds around why someone would allow their self to undergo abusive conditions whether it is physical, verbal or emotional. The answer is love, even though it is not a positive form of love.
Love is extremely powerful and it can drive us to do many things we wouldn’t normally do.
This is likely due to the fact that when you love someone you connect with them and become as one. For this reason, it is highly important that people try to only attract positive love into their lives.
You must always keep in mind that you are a good person and you deserve the best in life, including the best love. You do not have to settle or allow yourself to be mistreated because you feel as if anything is better than nothing.
Believe it or not, there is someone out there for everyone and not just anybody, someone with positive love to offer.
In order for you to meet this person you must first attract them in to your life. Every circumstance and every condition of our life has been attracted there by ourselves. The universe will provide us with what we ask for and sometimes our actions say much more than our words. Basically, if our actions, thoughts or spoken word suggest to the universe that we do not want positive love in our lives, we will not receive it.
When you think about it, there really is no such thing as coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason, whether we realize it at the time or not. If you meet a particular person at a specific time it is because your actions attracted this person into your life.
For this reason it is highly important that we act and think in ways that will attract positive people in to our lives which will eventually lead to us meeting a person we can share positive love with.
Always remember that like attracts like, good people will eventually attract other good people into their lives. This does not mean that distractions will not arise and try to throw a speed bump into your journey. After all, life is full of tests. However, you will know when you have met the real deal.
Remain positive and trust me, you will be rewarded with positive love!
Here are more tools to draw in what you want.
For the past 20 years, Stephanie Mulac has been recognized worldwide as a leading expert in the personal growth area, and ways to change your life. She is an author, speaker, and Intuitive Life Coach, and has been a facilitator for 1000s of people worldwide in guiding them to manifest the life of their dreams and lead an extraordinary existence!
You can get your life on track and get more info here.
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