<21>The Biggest Loser Workout Routine
There are some people who seem to find keeping fit easy. They have no trouble sticking to exercise regimes. They eat well and never graze on fatty snacks. They have a great metabolism and can shed pounds whenever they like. But most of us are not these people. Most of us do struggle to stay fit and that is okay. With The Biggest Loser workout routine, you can make your exercise routine fit you. Yes, you can have that beach body that you dream about.
You are probably already familiar with The Biggest Loser. It is a hit US television show which follows the triumphs and woes of a group of dieters. These people apply for the show because they are in need of a drastic change. For most, it is crunch time for their health. If they do not lose weight, they could risk premature death. So, it is a serious show.
The Biggest Loser workouts are, literally, life and death for some of its contestants. And if you have found yourself in a similar situation, you can change too. The transformations on the show are amazing. But they don’t come without hard work. If you want to replicate them, you need to be willing to commit to achieving your goals. With The Biggest Loser workout routine, it is time to find your new beginning.
This guide to The Biggest Loser workout routine will explain why this is the right exercise regime for you. It will also introduce some simple hypnosis techniques. They can be used to boost motivation and make exercise easier. The key to success is changing your perspective. Learn to love exercise and it will love you.
The Basics of the Biggest Loser Workout Routine
This exercise regime is simple to follow. And it can be adapted to suit your lifestyle. In fact, this is encouraged. One of the reasons why people fail to stick to exercise routines is because they do not fulfill their needs. To make The Biggest Loser workout routine a success, it needs to work for you, not somebody else, but entirely for you. If you need to tweak parts of a regime, go ahead and do it.

This plan favors healthy eating for six out of seven weekdays. The final day is a cheat day. You can eat whatever you like on this cheat day. As for exercise, you need to be combining strength training with cardio and abdominal exercises. These can take the form of crunches, stability ball exercises, or even yoga. Also, most importantly, make no excuses.
If you don’t have time to go to the gym, take a brisk ten minute walk. The Biggest Loser workout routine is all about doing something. It is about replacing that familiar inertia with something more valuable. It is okay to slip up. It is okay to fall behind with workout sessions. But you must always be willing to get right back on the horse.
The biggest danger for new workout regimes is not missed sessions, but the temptation that this brings. The idea that one, two, three (maybe more) missed workouts means that you might as well give up. It is not true. If you want to lose weight and get fit, do not let mistakes turn into quitting. There is always another week. Another day. Another new start. This is what The Biggest Loser workout really wants you to understand.
Tips for a Great Biggest Loser Workout Schedule
The following hints and tips will help you to put together an effective exercise regime. The faster that you can get into a rhythm, the easier it will be to stay there. It is a common mistake for newbies to wander from one exercise to another. Group your activities according to the muscle that they work. Then, rotate these to give each muscle time to rest and recover.
Use Proper Exercise Form
Whether you are working with The Biggest Loser workout routine, or another kind of regime, you need to make sure that your stance is correct. Form is everything when it comes to workouts. At the gym or at home, take the time to perform exercises properly. If you do not, you will be working hard but not reaping the benefits.
Add Push Ups and Lunges
For fast and effective toning, add push ups and lunges to your Biggest Loser workout routine. They are classic gym moves for a good reason. They will give your body definition. Perform three sets of twelve for each exercise. Make sure that your back stays in a straight line while doing push ups.
Thirty Minutes of Cardio
For most people half an hour of cardio is more than enough for fat burning. If it gets your heart racing, it is going to work. It can be very effective to switch up jogging for sprinting and then back again. Repeat this, in 2-3 minutes bursts, for a high intensity workout. This type of training can be done on any kind of cardio machine. The treadmill, the stepper, the cross trainer, etc.
80% of Resolutions to Exercise Fail
Would you be surprised to find out that 80% of all resolutions to exercise fail? Probably not. Because we all know people who have tried. Or, we are that person. We keep trying and failing to commit to an effective exercise regime. The problem is that our motivation to exercise just isn’t there. And without it, where is the drive to keep pushing forward? What will keep us striving, especially when things get difficult?
While calorie counting and cheat days will get you part of the way, they cannot triumph on their own. The other side of success has to be your attitude towards working out. You must discard empty platitudes and promises. For example, saying ‘I will exercise,’ is not really that helpful. Because, what does it mean? There are no immediate consequences when you fail to exercise.
How to Get Motivated
This is why, in order to be successful, it is more useful to change the way that you think about exercise altogether. If exercise can become something that you enjoy, it will not feel like a chore. You can do this with the help of self-hypnosis. With the right exercise motivation hypnosis, getting into shape and losing weight is much easier. It’s easier because it is a consequence of doing something that is fun for you. With sufficient motivation and the right point of view, you get to enjoy the exercise AND the benefits.
The next section will outline some of the main techniques used for motivation hypnosis. They are most effective when approached honestly and with full trust. As hypnosis often brings up intense emotions, it is important to feel comfortable with this kind of expression. For example, if you are holding onto weight as an emotional crutch, you will need to confront this.
Hypnosis and NLP Techniques for Exercise Motivation
Traditional Hypnosis

Almost all hypnotists will use a from of traditional hypnotherapy. Traditional hypnotism invariably relies upon a formal hypnotherapeutic induction. This is a practice that guides the subject from the conscious state, into trance.
As soon as the patient is in a hypnotic state, the consulting hypnotist makes a group of direct suggestions such as these commands: “You will want to exercise everyday because it will make you look good and feel great.”
This form of hypnotism is acceptable for anyone who likes to be commanded how to behave. But, it’s an awful method for patients who are very analytical in their nature. An overly analytical subject will usually have a polarity response and do the reverse of what they are commanded to do.
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
With “Ericksonian Hypnosis,” also known as “Conversational Hypnosis,” we generally use short stories or metaphors, to add post-hypnotic suggestions to the subconscious mind. This is an effective practice, based on the fact that it effectively abolishes the blockage of and resistance to suggestions that is very often triggered by the conscious mind. There are two different kinds of metaphors, “Isomorphic,” and those of the embedded command or “interspersal” nature.
Isomorphic metaphors distract the conscious mind, while offering direction to the unconscious / subconscious. They do this by offering a anecdote that gives a moral. The unconscious / subconscious draws a one-to-one parallel between elements of the story and elements of a problem issue or behavior.
Here is an example: If a child is telling a lot of lies, the parent might tell the child the story about the “Boy who cried wolf.” The unconscious / subconscious would draw a connection between the boy in the story and the child who is listening to the metaphor, who would come to realize that telling lies could lead to disaster. Therefore, the child would probably stop lying.
With the Embedded Command technique, the hypnotherapist conveys an engaging anecdote that occupies the conscious mind. The anecdote contains hidden indirect suggestions that are frequently acknowledged by the unconscious / subconscious mind.
Hypnotic Process Instructions
Process Instructions tell the unconscious / subconscious to find a memory of an appropriate learning experience from the past, and use that experience to make a change in one’s present behavior.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming – Oversimplified Definition
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the art of re-tasking the same thought processes that create a negative emotional or behavioral situation, to remove it and exchange it for a helpful one.
Example Techniques
NLP Anchoring: Did you ever listen to an old song and have it trigger feelings from your past? When you originally listened to the music, you were feeling those emotions, and they unconsciously became tied to the sound of the song. So the song became an ‘Anchor’ for the feelings. Now when you listen to that song, it triggers the same exact feelings again.
Anchoring can be a very beneficial procedure. Suppose that you have a memory of being praised for having done something above and beyond in the past. If you plunge yourself back into that memory, you’ll feel the feelings of self-worth that you had at that time. If you press two fingers together, {say your thumb and your index finger on your left hand} during the time you re-experience those feelings of self-worth, that touch will become an anchor for the feelings of self-worth.
Now imagine that you wish to create motivation to adhere to a diet and take off a few pounds. If you visualize a mental picture of yourself with a thin figure, and simultaneously press the two fingers together to trigger the anchor, your unconscious will connect the feelings of self-worth to the vision of you with the thin figure, and your level of drive to take off a few pounds will increase dramatically.
Using Self-Hypnosis as a Workout Weapon
For amazing results, combine The Biggest Loser workout routine with a high quality self-hypnosis program. The first will take care of your flabby parts. The second will keep you motivated and on track. You can do your workouts at home or in the gym. However, it is worth visiting the gym to use the weights. In addition, many people feel more motivated when they work out in a gym, because of the activity going on around them. Or, you could buy a set of weights to use at home. For some people, privacy is everything during a workout and that’s okay too.
Before you invest in a self-hypnosis CD or MP3 recording, you need to make sure that it is of a high quality. You cannot simply buy the first product that you see. The aforementioned NLP techniques need to have been properly formulated by a certified NLP Practitioner. You can find out who these people are by doing a little online research. Read reviews, browse testimonials, and talk with former clients if possible.
If you can, find a self-hypnosis recording that is centered on motivation and inspiration. A mixture of hypnosis and NLP can be very powerful. The techniques in the program should relate directly to exercise motivation.
Self-Hypnosis for Motivation at Home
The next time that you are ready to get stuck into your Biggest Loser workout routine, remember the feeling. Savoir that sense of energy and anticipation. And then revisit it when you are flagging and struggling to stay motivated. At these times, your hypnosis recording will be invaluable. Listen to it in a quiet place, without distractions. Try not to break the program up. Where possible, listen to it in full each time.
After a few weeks, you should start to feel naturally more motivated. You will have more energy. You will look at exercise as a chance to do something positive. This is very important. If you constantly tell yourself that working out is bad, it will feel bad. Believe that it is good and it will feel good. The power really is in your hands and your head. So, don’t let bad habits and the temptation to quit get in your way. You are in control of your life and body.
Could You Use Some Workout Motivation?
By Ken Hunt on July 25, 2015