Exploring non-conformity and how to be more yourself
It is so easy to feel and conform to the expectations of the people around us. Yet in doing so, are you giving up the kind of life that you want to live?
We can have endless conversations about how society suppresses us and how we feel obligated to conform. However, in the end, we must look to the times that repress ourselves.
It is a good idea to learn about the norms of our society and naturally to stick to the laws, by which we must all live, for allowing everyone’s personal freedom.
Yet, how many unwritten rules have you accepted in your life, at the cost of self discovery.
“The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself.” -Rita Mae Brown
Adopting an explorer’s attitude to our own life and lifestyle is a great way to learn about yourself as you progress through life.
When you challenge the life choices you have made and measure them against your actual desires, how far apart are they?
For example, you can begin with something as simple as the layout of your home. Who said that that larger room with the better view ought to be the master bedroom?
In our own home, Greg and I have chosen the smallest room to be our bedroom and I have the master bedroom as my office. The lounge/dining room has been transformed into Greg’s office and music teaching area. It works so much better for the way that we live.
Consider a few of the following questions, and check in with yourself to see if you are living your life or, whether you are living into the expectations of people around you.
Would prefer not to have a job if you could still cover all your expenses?
Do the clothes in your wardrobe make you feel good about yourself each time you dress?
Do you like the room in which you wake each morning, or does another room in the house look more appealing?
Who really chose the color of the car that you drive?
Are all those people with whom you spend most time, truly good friends to you and for you?
If you don’t yet have children and you say to yourself that you should do that soon, who is really saying that?
If you are not yet married and you say to yourself that you should do that soon, who is talking?
When you look in the mirror and notice something about you that you don’t like, did that opinion originate with you?
Those questions will give you a few basic places to begin rummaging around in your life. Have fun with this!
“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.” -Bertrand Russell
There are many books you can read on the topic of non-conformity and on being more yourself.
This article is only a brief discourse to help get you started with exploring alternative streams of consciousness for a while.
The goal is not to be a rebel. It’s to think, feel and act more in alignment with your own spirit and intuition.

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