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Self-Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Automatically Gives You A
Lean, Sexy Body In No Time Flat!

Lose anywhere from 10 lbs to over 100 lbs!

'Vaporize Your Appetite!'

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From: Alan B. Densky, CH              5 Star Rating Customer Reviews


Dear Friend,

Alan B. Densky, CH consulting hypnotist

What if there was an effortless and automatic way to lose cravings and excess weight, would that be worth a try? Self-Hypnosis for weight loss will crush your cravings and obliterate your appetite. How much weight could you lose if you didn't always feel hungry?

Weight Loss Hypnosis Program

Several thousand clients have already lost their excess pounds using our weight loss self-hypnosis audio programs. And the most amazing thing is that they didn't have to do anything but relax and listen to some self-hypnosis for weight loss audio messages.


In the next few minutes, I'll show you how these people attained the sexy and attractive body everyone's been dreaming to have... without the struggles and frustrations of traditional dieting, using weight loss by hypnosis.


Extreme Self-Hypnosis For Weight Loss


Thanks to our amazing extreme self-hypnosis for weight loss, they don't need to worry about losing control over their appetite anymore. In fact, my methods of hypnosis, which incudes, self-hypnosis for weight loss, has been used to re-program their unconscious (subconscious) mind to lose their harmful cravings - without any interference or conscious resistance - and live a life full of health and vitality.


Methods Of Hypnosis

Continue Reading and Discover:

  • Why Most Diet Programs Fail

  • Research Proves Hypnosis Helps You Lose 2 To 16 Times More Weight

  • How I Used Multiple Methods of Hypnosis To Help Tens Of Thousands Of Overweight People

  • How To: Abolish Feelings Of Hunger

  • How To: Stop Compulsive Overeating

  • How To: Reframe Emotional Eating

  • How To: Build A Mountain Of Motivation To Eat Properly

  • How To: Lose Weight And Never Put It Back On


Why Most Diet Programs Fail, and


Self-Hypnosis For Weight Loss Succeeds!


Here's an interesting fact...


Medical research has proven that all of the popular diets work and will make you lose weight!


But if that's the case, why are so many dieters still overweight and miserable? Well, the same research has also proven that all of these people will fail if they can't stick to these diets... and most can't stick to these diets because their oral cravings, compulsions and appetite are out of control! 

The more they stick to a limited and healthier diet, the more their mind screams out for just about anything they can eat! When uncontrolled, this urge can turn anyone into a splurging monster!

So before they can easily lose weight and keep it off permanently, they must get rid of their cravings and appetite to overeat!

But therein lies the problem. Most people can't control their urges and cravings for food (particularly junk or fatty ones). Some have even developed an abnormal addiction to food!

Now is there an easy and effective way to suppress appetite and shed excess pounds, even if one can't control the "urge"... even if one is too lazy to workout... or even if one can't afford costly treatments? Fortunately, there is. And it's called WEIGHT LOSS SELF-HYPNOSIS.

By the way, did you know hat all hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis?


According to Scientific Research, People Who Used
Self-Hypnosis For Weight Loss
Lost 2 To 16 Times More Weight!


Hypnosis is a method that can change unconscious thoughts. It can quickly modify feelings, motivations and behaviors. 


Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. Actually, it's the Alpha state of consciousness. We pass through the Alpha state as we fall asleep at night. And we pass through it again as we awaken in the morning.

Now think about this for a second: A weight loss barrier isn't caused by the body calling out for food, it's caused by the mind screaming out for it

That's why hypnotherapy for losing weight is so effective. What good is a diet if you can't stick to it? Hypnotherapy eliminates your appetite at its root, which is your thoughts! But don't take my word for it.

There have been dozens of studies done by clinicians and scientists that prove that weight loss hypnotherapy makes a conclusive difference when built into a weight loss regime.

The results of research studies where hypnosis was included in a weight loss regime prove that people lose between twice as much weight, and sixteen and one half times as much weight.



How I Used Self-Hypnosis For Weight Loss To Help
Tens Of Thousands Of Overweight People
Attain Their Ideal Body Weight


I've been practicing hypnosis since 1978, so my experience is extensive. By combining various methods of hypnosis and NLP, my clients reported that they became much more relaxed.

They also reported that they lost their cravings, compulsions and excessive appetite; and they became highly motivated. That made it very easy for them to eat only healthy foods that boosted their metabolism. And they did not need any willpower because their mind was already "hard-wired" to lose weight.

I realized that my weight loss self-hypnosis methods could help a lot of people around the world, but my practice was limited to just people in my local area.

So to make it accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world - and to help people save time and money on personal consultations - I decided to record the sessions into a multi-session audio hypnosis program, so my remote clients can get the same benefits at a much lower price and without the hassles of traveling. Announcing...



The "Vaporize Your Appetite!" 

Hypnosis Audio CDs & MP3 Downloads


lose weight hypnosis CDs & Downloads

With the help of the Vaporize Your Appetite! program, thousands have slimmed down and lost weight easily and quickly... without any drugs, willpower, punishing starvation, or exercise plans.

Using this program, clients reported a loss of oral cravings, compulsions, and excessive appetite, so it became easy and natural for them to consume only healthy foods.

All they had to do was relax and listen to the audio sessions for 20 minutes a day, and the messages and built-in techniques automatically transformed their fitness-sabotaging regimens into effective weight-busting habits.

This multi-session program includes six different powerful hypnosis and NLP sessions. These 6 sessions are compressed into 2 audio CDs to minimize the clutter and save you money. Or, order an MP3 Download and have it on your desktop in the next couple of minutes! (Click the button below to see what's included in each session.)



Thousands of my clients reported that this self-hypnosis for weight loss program helped them achieve a deep relaxed state of hypnosis and their subconscious mind was rewired to:

  •  Lose their taste for all fattening foods including:

  •  Chocolate & sweets; greasy foods, etc.

  •  Lose their appetite for fats
  •  Make them feel full as soon as they start eating
  •  Make them eat like a thin person
  •  Make it easy and natural to eat healthy food
  •  Speed up their metabolism
  •  Motivate them to exercise
  •  Lose their taste for salt
  •  Increase their desire to drink water

My clients have lost anywhere from 10 lbs to over a 100 pounds - painlessly and effortlessly - using my weight loss self-hypnosis program, as it suppressed their appetite and helped them reach their fitness goals quickly and easily. As a result of losing their cravings, compulsions and excessive appetite to overeat, they...

  • Felt tremendous motivation

  • Lost weight quickly and automatically

  • Looked and felt years younger

  • Heard nice compliments from friends and family

  • Felt tremendous self-esteem and confidence

  • Felt gloriously relaxed

And the wonderful outcome is that they never needed to exert any willpower at all! They simply laid back and listened to the hypnosis audio, and their subconscious mind was programmed to achieve their weight loss goals.


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What Makes My Hypnosis Program More Effective Than Physical Weight Loss Methods?

Lose weight hypnosis works in the mind, where cravings and bad eating habits abound.

Physical weight loss methods like diets, drugs and liposuction don't work over the long haul because they only deal with half the problem, they ignore the psychological roots of overeating.

To achieve successful and lasting weight loss, self-hypnosis for weight loss is the answer. It alone can change the negative habit recordings that play over and over again in the unconscious mind, telling people to...

  • Keep eating even when they're full
  • Wake up during normal sleep for a snack.
  • Choose high carb, high calorie foods they know aren't good for them.

Weight loss hypnosis is the ultimate solution, but beware! Not all hypnosis programs are the same. In fact, only a few actually deliver!


What Makes "Vaporize Your Appetite!" More Effective Than Most Other Hypnosis Programs?

99% of the cheap hypnosis and weight loss hypnosis downloads you see everywhere use Traditional Hypnosis, an obsolete technique that relies on direct commands or post-hypnotic suggestion.

This method doesn't work well for many people, for one simple reason: our generation refuses to to be told what to do. We're too skeptical and questioning.

My weight loss hypnosis focus on the more effective methods of Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

These are modern technologies designed to eliminate the resistance to suggestions usually experienced with Traditional Hypnosis. Instead, they bypass conscious logic and go straight to the unconscious part of the mind. There, they go to work changing bad habit recordings into new, positive messages.


Here is what you receive:


We've taken 6 different sessions originally on 6 CDS and put the same 6 sessions on 2 CDS to save you $44.00. Or, order the MP3 Download Program and have it on your computer in two minutes flat!






Order Today To Receive These
Amazing Bonuses For Free!

  • FREE subscription to my weekly weight control Newsletter - "Lose Weight, Look Good, Feel Great!" - $99.00 Value. (This is NOT the free newsletter that you can signup for on the site.)

  • FREE 19 Page guide e-booklet. You'll learn lots of Tips and Tricks that you need to be permanently successful. Value $12.97
  • FREE Email Support If Needed - Priceless!

Note: Even if you decide to return the program within our 90-Day Money Back Guarantee, you can keep these Wonderful Bonuses with my compliments!

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How Much Is All This Worth To You?


What is the value of having an automatic and effortless way to lose weight? Can you even assign a price tag on having a lean and attractive body that turns heads wherever you go, or possessing the supreme confidence to face the world without embarrassment?

The professional fee for this program in my office is $900.00, yet my clients felt that the value they got were much more than what they have paid for.


Your Price $49.77

Includes Free Shipping in USA



That's an unbelieveable cost 

of only $7.46 per session!


Why is the program so inexpensive? Because we're giving you everything in physical and downloadable format. So it saves both of us valuable time, but you're still getting the same benefits in the convenience and comfort of your own home. Everyone wins!



lose weight hypnosis guarantee

Includes a 90 Day 
100% Money-Back Guarantee 

Try it out for 90 days without any risk at all!


 (Read my Money Back Guarantee)


Before you order "Vaporize Your Appetite!"



 Do You Have A Poor Imagination?

The Neuro-VISIONĀ® Video Hypnosis Package Is Perfect For You  


Get Started Immediately

With A Quick Start Download While

Waiting For Your CD's & DVD's

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Note: "Vaporize Your Appetite!" is available in four formats:


A. High Quality Audio on 2 CDs (6 Sessions). This includes a Quick Start Download of Instructional Session & a Power Relaxation MP3.

B. Instant Download MP3s (6 Sessions). Full program as a series of MP3s that you download right now. After you have completed payment, you will automatically be sent to our download page which includes instructions if needed.

C.  High Quality Audio on 1 CD (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program.

D. Instant Download MP3 (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program. After you have completed payment, you will automatically be sent to our download page which includes instructions if needed.

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Regular Price: $68.00
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NLP & Hypnosis Weight Loss CD

Regular Price: $19.95

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Hypnotherapy MP3 DownloadsInstant MP3 Download - 1 Session

Order "Lose Weight Hypnosis!" 

NLP & Hypnosis Weight Loss MP3

Regular Price: $19.95

Today $14.95

Have questions? 

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Either you lose all the unwanted weight (like thousands of my satisfied clients), or you don't give me a single penny. Sound fair enough?

The Best is Yet To Come,

Alan B. Densky, CH


P.S. Other weight loss programs break your wallet and put you in agony. But why do it the hard and expensive way when there's Vaporize Your Appetite!? It's safe, automatic, more effective, and a whole lot easier. In fact, all you have to do is relax and listen, and let it do all the "work" for you.

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Customer Reviews

Hypnosis Weight Loss Before And After

5 Star Rating  These sessions have worked for me and I have lost 10 lbs. already!


By Assimo Spyropoulos



Assimo Spyropoulos

I wanted to say thank you, these tapes have worked for me and I have lost 10 lbs already! I am doing a diet program, but I am now able to stick to my diet. I am losing 1 pound a week, I feel a lot healthier and in control and I am confident I will lose the next 20 lbs.


5 Star Rating These are the highest quality, richest, hypnosis CD's I've ever listened to. 


By Teresa Hamblin


I just bought your Vaporize Your Appetite program and really love it. These are the highest quality, richest, hypnosis CD's I've ever listened to. I love the variety with the traditional, Ericksonian, and NLP. I love that I can pick and choose the techniques. I've already noticed a difference in the couple of days I've used the CD's. I'm excited to try all of the program. 

One more thing. My husband has asked me why I have been in such a good mood the last few days. I told him that I think it is the effects of the CDs. He is pleased.

I will send a picture when I can get my husband to take one. Thank you.


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