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Motivation To Exercise Hypnosis




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Motivation to Exercise Hypnosis & NLP

Breakthrough Sends Your

Workout Motivation Skyrocketing

& Transforms Exercising Into A Fun Experience!

"Urge To Exercise!"

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From: Alan B. Densky, CH             4.5 StarsCustomer Reviews  

Dear Friend,


Alan B. Densky, CH

Have you been wondering how to motivate yourself to workout? It's a well-known fact that regular exercise brings tremendous benefits to our health and well-being.


Want to stay fit and sexy? Then you need motivation to exercise! That's why so many have turned to hypnosis for fitness. Exercise helps speed up metabolism and weight loss. That's because losing weight is a matter of burning more calories than we consume. So the more we exercise, the more calories we burn, and the faster we attain the body of our dreams.


Exercise Motivation Hypnosis

But that's not all that exercise can do...

Continue Reading and Discover How:

  • To build powerful feelings of motivation to exercise

  • Exercise can prevent health disorders

  • Exercise can prevent premature aging

  • Exercise can make you feel stronger & happier

  • Exercise can make you more physically attractive

Exercise Has Been Known to Prevent

Exercise has been known to prevent a variety of health disorders, including but not limited to:

  • Heart problems

  • Stroke

  • Alzheimer's

  • Diabetes

  • Insomnia

  • Osteoporosis

  • Colds

  • Depression and stress

  • Fatigue

  • Some forms of cancer

And you know what? Exercise can improve our mood, make us happier, and even enhance our sex life!

But despite all the wonderful benefits of exercise, many people still don't have any motivation to exercise, and they constantly ask themself, "How do I motivate myself to exercise?" Perhaps they've never really enjoyed exercise, although they know that it will help them lose weight and feel much better. Maybe they have a busy life, so the motivation to exercise just fades away like a bubble. That's too bad, because exercise motivation hypnosis can really make a difference for them.

Realizing the importance of building motivation to workout and exercise, I have created a unique self hypnosis and NLP technology to fire up anyone's fitness motivation, without any willpower involved... and even make exercise fun for anyone who uses it.

Hypnosis for exercise can help you harness the power of your subconscious mind for a transformative experience. With guided visualizations and positive affirmations, these hypnosis for fitness sessions can help burn away mental blocks and cultivate a garden of health and vitality. Imagine the joy of feeling genuinely excited to move and exercise, as these hypnosis for exercise tracks work to align your conscious desires with your subconscious motivations.

I'm happy to say that after going through my hypnosis and NLP for exercise sessions, many clients now possess the unstoppable hypnosis workout motivation to move their body!

Some people may be asking if my motivational hypnosis breakthrough is really effective. Well, if you stick with me, I'll prove just how powerful self hypnosis for exercise and fitness can be, and show you exactly how to get so motivated to exercise it will pump you up every time you wake up in the morning. But you might be asking...


What Makes Me An Authority In The Field Of Exercise Psychology And Motivation?

I want to let you in on something that you might not know. Not only have I been involved in the practice of hypnotherapy since 1978, I've also been involved in exercise and fitness since 1963!


I even owned a gym in the 1970's before it became fashionable. I've conducted several fitness training and weight training programs. I have trained many people - from the average person to the overweight kind to powerful bodybuilders. 


So, not only do I bring my 46 + years of hypnotherapy experience to the table, I bring my exercise expertise as well. I still work out three to four days per week myself!


I know psychological exercise motivation hypnosis like the back of my hand, so motivating myself and others is second nature to me. Using NLP and Hypnosis motivation techniques, I can instill into anyone the burning desire to workout. Imagine actually looking forward to working out.


And I actually walk the talk! I've been in the gym three to four days a week since 1963. The picture at the top was taken at 64 years of age. Now that is true motivation to exercise and workout!


I have been applying the same motivational techniques I used on myself to my clients. And the results have been astonishing!


Some of them have developed the sports motivation to stay fit and have fun with their chosen sports. Others have ignited their weight loss motivation to join exercise programs that would help them lose weight. Still some of them have also started weight lifting... building their muscles and burning fat at the same time.


No matter what exercise program they have chosen, the motivation has stuck with them like cement. Want to know more about this hypnosis for exercise program? It's called...



"Urge To Exercise!" Audio Hypnosis

& NLP Program on CD or MP3 Download


 Hypnosis for Exercise Motivation CDS MP3 Downloads

If you've been asking yourself, "How do I motivate myself to workout?" Urge To Exercise! is ideal for anyone who wants to reap the amazing health benefits of regular exercise... whether they really don't care about exercising, or they want to exercise but just need a push.


My NLP and hypnosis for exercise sessions can give anyone a powerful Urge To Exercise!


And it doesn't matter what type of exercise training the person chooses... aerobics, calisthenics, weight lifting, bodybuilding, circuit training, participation in sports, dance workouts, or any weight loss exercise, you name it.


This sensational program guarantees to make anyone move their body, so they can attain superior health, skyrocket their energy level, and feel much better inside and out... all while having tons of fun!


It includes four different hypnosis and NLP sessions that will highly motivate anyone to start their exercise program, and exercise consistently.

Ordering this program will help any user to:

  • Feel a powerful urge to exercise and actually enjoy exercising.

  • Always look forward to their next workout.
  • Boost their energy and combat numerous diseases.

  • Lose more weight more quickly.

  • Look and feel terrific.

This Program Contains:


Hypnosis Motivation CDS


Anyone who orders this hypnosis for exercise program will experience what it's like to personally come into my office and go through a complete series of four private hypnosis for exercise sessions, and receive tons of motivation to exercise.


This program steps the client through everything that is necessary to make rapid life altering changes through Hypnosis.


Order Exercise Motivation Hypnosis CDs or MP3 Downloads


What Makes "Urge To Exercise!" Much More Powerful Than Most Exercise Motivation Hypnosis Sessions?




What Would You Invest To Get Fired Up To Exercise And Enjoy Every Minute Of It?

The professional fee for this program in my office is $750.00. If you think about it, that's a low price to pay compared to the life-changing physical transformation and superior health you'll attain.


No wonder my clients were very willing and eager to go through my hypnosis for exercise sessions. And they were thrilled with the results! Now they're always highly motivated to exercise, having tons of fun moving their body, and at the peak of their health!


But here's even better news... Because you're getting the same sessions (and results) in CD format, I have significantly droped the price down to only $99.97 $59.97

Your Price $34.97

Includes Free Shipping USA
Elsewhere +

That's an amazing fee of only $11.65 per session! And 93% LESS than what office clients have paid for the same sessions.



Order Hypnosis for Exercise Motivation CDs or MP3 Downloads



 Hypnosis Exercise Motivation GuaranteeGrab My 90 Day, Risk-Free,
100% Money-Back Guarantee


I'm not asking you to decide now, just give it a try! I'll shoulder all the risks for you.

"Test-drive" it for 90 days. If it doesn't spark your motivation to exercise... if it doesn't help you get fit, healthy and energized... or if for any reason (or no reason at all) you're not completely satisfied, then I don't want your money. (Full Money Back Guarantee)

Note: "Urge To exercise!" is available in four formats:

A. High Quality Audio on 1 CD (3 Sessions). Full program, includes a Quick Start Download of Instructional Session, an NLP / Hypnosis Session on Anchoring and Power Relaxation, & a sesion on installing motivational beliefs.


B. Instant Download MP3s (3 Sessions). Same full program as on CD, but as aseries of MP3s that you download right now. After you have completed payment, you will automatically be sent to our download page which includes instructions if needed.


C.  High Quality Audio on 1 CD (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program.


D. Instant Download MP3 (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program. After you have completed payment, you will automatically be sent to our download page which includes instructions if needed.

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Have questions? 

Contact Us 

Can you afford NOT to try "Urge To Exercise!"? Well, ask yourself:

  • How many times have I promised myself to workout or exercise, only to fail and feel frustrated every single time?
  • How much money have I wasted on gym memberships, exercise programs or equipment over the years... simply because I'm too bored, tired or busy to exercise?
  • How did my fitness, health, mood and personal life got affected because of my lack of exercise motivation?

Thanks to this program, many of my clients have reaped the overwhelming benefits of exercise and fitness. They're extremely motivated to exercise regularly. In fact, they actually look forward to exercising because they're having lots of fun.

They don't even need to know any motivation theory; they just listened to my NLP and hypnosis CDs and they were transformed from workout haters into exercise enthusiasts!

Will you be the next success story?

To A Long And Healthy Life,

Alan B. Densky, CH

CEO of Neuro-VISION, Inc.


P.S. There's no need to feel frustrated anymore! Now exercising can be just as fun as your favorite pastimes or hobbies. But to give you 100% assurance of its effectiveness, I will gladly give you a full refund just in case it doesn't work.


Order Exercise Hypnosis Motivation CDs & Downloads


Customer Reviews

5 stars Now I really enjoy exercising!
By Sharon Coleman
Each time that I listened to a session, the effects of the hypnosis and NLP got stronger. Every time I listened, I could feel my level of excitement and motivations grow into a stronger urge to exercise. As the days went by, I started to workout much more regularly. The sessions are relaxing and pleasant, and the therapist's voice is also quite relaxing.

It's an effective program.
By Steven C
I think it's an effective program. . .  I like it.



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