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How To Help Allergies Hypnosis




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How To Help Allergies Hypnosis

"Breathe Easily And Abort Awful Asthma Attacks
Quickly, Safely And Effectively!"

"Ah! I Can Breathe!"

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From: Alan B. Densky, CH  5 Star Rating  Customer Reviews

Dear Friend,

Alan B. Densky, CH - Certified Hypnotist & NLP Practitioner

Asthma sufferers know the terrible feeling of being "under attack" with head fog allergies. They feel totally helpless every time they gasp for breath and endure the agony of suffocation. That's why I developed hypnosis asthma audio sessions..

But the damage extends far beyond that. Asthma makes life extremely difficult for its victims. It prevents them from sleeping normally, interacting with others, playing sports and pursuing other normal activities.

Besides, it's very frustrating to live with the fear that asthma can strike anytime, anywhere - without warning - putting its victim in an embarrassing situation.

  Continue Reading and Discover Why How To Help Allergies Hypnosis Is So Beneficial:

  • Asthma kills 250,000 annually
  • Asthma Can Be Torture
  • Dangerous side effects of medications and inhalers
  • Hypnosis can help abort Asthma attacks effectively

Here's a Shocker: 

Asthma attacks account for the death of around 250,000 people yearly.

Indeed, asthma is a very serious concern that needs immediate attention.

Hypnosis For Allergies

It's unfortunate, but no amount of conscious effort can eliminate an asthma attack once it starts, because the problem is caused by constricted airways.


Medication and inhalers may help, but they can produce devastating side effects that can leave the asthma sufferer in a worse condition than before (more about this later).


Hypnosis For Allergies is Your Salvation...


I've discovered a powerful hypnosis allergies technology and created a set of asthma hypnosis audio recordings that have safely and quickly cured countless people from their asthma attacks... no matter how severe or persistent their condition may be.


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A few moments from now, I'll reveal more details about this 100% all-natural, inexpensive and highly effective way to cure asthma attacks.


Please treat this with utmost importance, because may be the only healthy solution to permanently treat even the worst asthma conditions. But first, let's explore the causes of asthma...



Causes Of Asthma

Asthma can be attributed to emotional or physical causes. 

The emotional causes below can produce inflammation and constriction of the airways, leading to an asthma attack:

  • Fear, tension or nervousness
  • Anxiety or panic
  • Stress
  • Intense emotions brought about by crying, shouting, anger, or laughing hard.

There are also various physical causes of asthma, but the main culprit is allergies. Around 80% of asthma sufferers experience allergy symptoms when they consume certain foods or when they are exposed to certain objects such as mold, pollen, trees, grass, animal fur and dust mites.

Since allergies and asthma often go together, some prescribed or natural allergy cures may help reduce the symptoms of asthma. But even though an allergy cure may give temporary relief to the sufferer, it may not be enough to completely treat asthma for the long term.

Other physical causes include:

  • Respiratory illnesses such as colds, flu and sinus infections
  • Smoke and odors (i.e. perfume, air pollution, cigarettes, smoke from burning objects)
  • Rigorous exercise
  • Cold weather, changes in air temperature and humidity
  • Sensitivity to anti-asthma medications

Many of these causes cannot be avoided, so most people are turning to drugs and inhalers to stop their asthma. But beware... The health risks can be fatal!


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The Dangerous Side Effects Of 
Asthma Medications and Inhalers


Many asthma sufferers rely on their medication or inhaler to keep them safe. But there's always a price to pay when you allow yourself to become dependent on a drug.


What happens if you forget to take the pill or inhaler? What happens if it runs empty when you are away from home?


And most critical of all, the side effects may far exceed the benefits you stand to gain.


Here are some of the side effects of using medications or inhalers:

  • Fast or irregular heart rate
  • Skin rashes and itching
  • Dizziness and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Chest pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Fever or chills

So if medications or inhalers are not the ideal solution, what is?

Hypnosis Allergies Recordings 

Can Help You

Abort Asthma Attacks Effectively!

Through hypnosis allergies treatment, you may become much more relaxed overall and greatly reduce the possibilities of having an asthmatic attack. And even if you do have an attack, the severity of the attack is generally reduced to a great extent. 

Most people can be taught to abort an impending asthmatic attack through specialized techniques and post-hypnotic suggestions, using hypnosis for allergies and asthma.

I've used these hypnosis for allergies and asthma tecniques with excellent results on many of my clients and their children, over the years.

As a matter of fact, most people can sense when they are about to have an asthma attack. And they can learn how to abort an asthma attack, before it even happens, using my hypnosis allergy and asthma technology.


Want to know more about it? It's aptly called...



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Ah! I Can Breathe!

NLP and 

Hypnosis For Allergies Audio Program


Asthma Hypnosis & NLP CDs & MP3 Downloads

My hypnosis allergies audio sessions have allowed my clients to feel more relaxed and free of fear regarding an asthma attack.


After a very short while, my clients have learned how to easily abort an impending asthma attack. Should they still have an asthma attack (which is unlikely), it will be significantly reduced to a point where it won't bother them.


This is a fact, it is impossible to consciously eliminate asthma. Therefore, this program was created to interact with the subconscious mind.


The Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotic techniques in my program can actually give any asthma sufferer the ability to relax the diaphragm, release constricted airways, and get breathing back to normal quickly... much better than any other cure for adult or children's allergies and asthma.


Amazingly, hypnosis is a technique that triggers the healing process, so it comes naturally and automatically from within the unconscious mind. Therefore, no willpower is required.


See Exactly What Is In Each Session



I'm thrilled to tell you that after using these hypnosis and NLP hypnosis for allergies audio sessions, my clients have been able to abort asthma attacks!


This Program Contains:


Asthma Hypnosis & NLP CDs & Mp3 Downloads


We've taken the full program, which was originally recorded on 6 separate CDs and moved the same 6 full sessions onto 2 CDs which saves you $35.00. All sessions can be individually accessed, just like when you change songs on a music CD. Or, order the MP3 Download Program and have it on your computer in two minutes flat!



Everyone who places an order for "Ah! I Can Breathe!" enjoys the same experiences that my office clients do as they go through private hypnosis sessions (six) for asthma.


My "Ah! I Can Breathe!" hypnosis asthma program guides step-by-step so you gain control over asthma attacks.


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How To Help Allergies Hypnosis



Why Is

"Ah! I Can Breathe!"

Far More Effective Than Any Other

Hypnosis For Allergies Program?


There is a broad spectrum of different hypnosis and NLP techniques used in this Six Session program. It's just like visiting my office in person.




What Would You Invest To Stop Asthma Attacks

And Breathe Easily?


The clients who visited my office because of their asthma suffering know how awful asthma attacks are. So when learned that they could learn to alleviate this condition, they jumped on the opportunity.


They felt that a fee of $900.00 was quite reasonable. But because you're getting the same sessions (and results) in hypnosis audio format, I have significantly reduced the price for you.


Your Fee Is Only $49.77

Includes Free Shipping In USA


That is a fee of only $7.46 per session! And 91% LESS than the cost of the same sessions in my office.



Asthma Hypnosis Tapes GuaranteeYou're Safe! 90-Day
100% Money Back Guarantee.


I guarantee this program can help you to abort asthma attacks. (See My Money Back Guarantee)


Note: "Ah! I Can Breathe!" is available in Four formats:

A. High Quality Audio on 2 CDs (6 Sessions). This includes a Quick Start Download of Instructional Session 1 & a Power Relaxation MP3.


B. Instant Download MP3s (6 Sessions). Full program as a series of MP3s that you download right now. After your order has completed, an email will be sent to you with a link for downloading. These files are quite large, approximately 100 MB, so a Broadband connection is required.


C. High Quality Audio On 1 CD (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program.


D. Instant Download MP3 (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program. After your order has completed, an email will be sent to you with a link for downloading. These files are quite large, approximately 25 MB, so a Broadband connection is required. 


Currency Converter


Hypnosis CD ROM  
     Two High Fidelity CDs Shipped To You

Order Ah! I Can Breathe!

6 Different Sessions
Audio NLP & Hypnosis Asthma CDs
Regular Price: $99.77 
Today $49.77 Includes Free Shipping in USA

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Hypnosis Download MP3
Instant MP3 Download

Order Ah! I Can Breathe - 6 Different Sessions

 Audio NLP & Hypnosis Asthma MP3s

Regular Price $99.77 

Today Only $49.77


Hypnosis CD ROMHigh Fidelity CD Shipped - 1 Session

  Order Asthma Relief!


Audio NLP & Hypnosis Asthma CD

Regular Price $19.95

Now Only $14.95


Hypnosis Download MP3Instant MP3 Download - 1 Session

 Order Asthma Relief!


Audio NLP & Hypnosis Asthma MP3s

Regular Price $19.95

Now Only $14.95


Do You Need Additional Information? 

Contact Us  


Want to learn a lot more about how to eliminate Asthma? Read my article on how to eliminate Asthma.


My clients have eradicated their asthma attacks using my hypnosis asthma and allergy treatment, and I love hearing about their life-changing experiences.


Now it's your turn. I'm looking forward to hearing how fast and easily you've broken free from asthma.


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My Best Regards,

Alan B. Densky, CH


Customer Reviews                                                                

5 Star Rating There was a big change after listening only once

By  Felicia Ransome

Greetings- I just wanted to thank you and let you know that the hypnosis cd's that I purchased are working very well! There was a big change after listening only once. I listen to them every night on repeat over and over again. They are so relaxing. I still use my inhaler but not very much. I'm sure eventually I won't have to use my inhaler at all. I will be purchasing more cd's. Thanks again!

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