There are three
separate parts to smoking addiction. Two of the parts are mental/emotional, and
one part is physical.
Part A:
When you were a little baby and you became
upset, your mother would put a pacifier into your mouth to distract you from
that upset. You would get distracted, become more peaceful, and often fall
asleep. That scenario was repeated thousands of times so that your unconscious
mind was programmed: When something goes into your mouth, you get relaxation
and pleasure from it.
Now that you are an adult, if you feel anxious or tense, you crave
something in your mouth for relaxation and pleasure � a smoke!
Part B:
Pavlov? He rang a bell every time that he fed his dogs. After a few
repetitions, he could just ring the bell, and the dogs would salivate.
When you associate smoking a cigarette with any other activity,
the other activity will trigger cravings for a cigarette and a feeling of
urgency to light up a cigarette.� This
is called a conditioned response.
For example: If you light up a cigarette when you watch a movie,
you will automatically get an urge to smoke a cigarette each time you go to the
movies. If you light up when you drive your car, you will automatically get an
urge to light up a cigarette each time you drive your car. If you smoke a cigarette
when you see someone else smoking, you will automatically get an urge to smoke
a cigarette each time you see someone else smoking
Here is
exactly how this conditioned response gets programmed into your unconscious: If
a person smokes a cigarette and simultaneously drinks a cup of coffee, the mind
takes a snapshot of the cigarette in the hand, and links it to the cup of
coffee. Thereafter, every time the person sees a cup of coffee, the unconscious
fills in the missing part of the picture. It flashes an image of a cigarette,
and the smoker gets a craving for a cigarette.
You may
be unaware of the mental movie of the cigarette, because it may only be at the
unconscious level of mind. Just as you are not consciously aware of what you
are seeing through your peripheral vision until someone or something draws your
attention to it. But the image is there, creating a craving for a cigarette.
Part C:
having worked with several thousand smokers, I can guarantee you that the
physical addiction is the weakest part of the habit. In fact, I believe that it
is only ten percent of a smoking addiction. I believe that 90%
of the habit is the mental and emotional parts! (Parts A and B).
What this means is that
as soon as you eliminate the feeling of tension that compels you to put
cigarettes into your mouth for relaxation and pleasure (Part A) . . . and {if
you can extinguish the conditioned response of feeling a craving for cigarettes
when having a cup of coffee, driving, or finishing a meal, etc. (Part B) . . .
then you can break the addiction to cigarettes without requiring willpower, and
without having to suffer from withdrawal symptoms or weight-gain.
Self-hypnosis will make
it easy to break the addiction to cigarettes because it takes care of Parts A
& B! Here is how:
Part A:
Smokers light-up a
cigarette to relieve stress and feel pleasure. It is our thoughts that trigger feelings
of stress. To elaborate, people persistently create movies in their
mind's eye. If it's a negative movie, it causes them to feel anxiety.
We can use various
hypnosis and NLP techniques to re-program the subconscious to
automatically have those anxiety producing mental movies trigger movies that
create relaxation.
These movies instill peace and pleasure, and obliterate the tension that
triggers the cravings and compulsions to smoke.
of the elimination of
feelings of tension the smoker who is quitting doesn�t experience the
compulsion or need to substitute food in place of the cigarettes. So quitting
without weight gain is possible.
Part B is where people smoke a cigarette
because smoking becomes a conditioned response to many different activities and
locations. Remember in the earlier example how smoking became unconsciously
associated with other activities and environments so that each time a smoker
gets into that activity or environment, the mind to flashes an image of a
cigarette, and the image of the cigarette triggers an urge to smoke?
There are quit
smoking hypnosis, and stop smoking NLP techniques that can effectively
extinguish those conditioned responses so that a smoker�s mind will lose the
cravings for cigarettes, and the compulsion to smoke. As a matter of fact, you
can even get a compulsion to reject the cigarettes.

� 2007 By Alan B. Densky, CH. This article may
NOT be copied or reproduced. All Rights Reserved.