We've all
heard it or even said it one time or another: "I can't
lose weight because of my metabolism." It's convenient
to blame our extra pounds on an abstract idea like
metabolism, but let's look at the real importance of
metabolism � and better yet, how you can get the most
"burn" for your buck by recharging your
In the
most basic sense, metabolism includes all of the physical
and chemical changes that occur inside the cells of the
body. Most often, though, metabolism refers to the process
in which the body obtains and uses energy from food, so it really does play an
important role in weight gain and loss.
everyone is born with the same metabolism, and our rates
actually change throughout our lives, so someone who blames
their metabolism isn't necessarily making excuses. Age
affects metabolism, which will slow about 5% every 10 years
after age 40, and by gender, as males typically burn more
calories at rest than females and by the amount of muscle
mass you have (more muscle generally means a higher
metabolic rate). Heredity also impacts metabolism, not to
mention pregnancy, as well as whether a woman chooses to
all of the wild cards, the simple fact is that if your
calorie intake exceeds your metabolism, excess energy will
get stored in the body as fat. Though some of the factors
affecting metabolic rate can't be changed, fortunately,
there are ways to rev up the metabolism you're born with.
The first
rule is to eat the right foods in the correct amounts. When
you skip a meal, your body goes into starvation mode, which
slows metabolism to conserve calories, because it doesn't
know when it will be fed again.
And when the metabolism slows down, so does your
weight loss.
When you
finally do eat after having skipped a meal, instead of
burning the calories in the food you've just eaten, your
body converts them to body fat to store for the next
"fast." To keep your metabolism efficient, eat 4 -
6 small meals spread evenly throughout the day and try to
eat close to the same times each day. Most importantly,
never skip a meal.
You can
also step up your metabolic rate with exercise, including
both aerobic workouts and weight training. Aerobic
activities, such as running, biking and dancing, burn more
calories in the short term while weight training will build
more muscle, which boosts metabolism and burns more calories
in the long term - even when you're sitting still, muscle
uses more calories to function than fat.
fact, every pound of muscle burns 35 calories a day, while
each pound of fat burns just 2 calories per day. Despite
this, you may be surprised that the more weight you have,
the faster your metabolism is likely to run. Simply
put, the extra weight makes your body work harder to
maintain its processes.
is partly why it's almost always easiest to lose weight when
you begin diet, and gets harder as you go along because,
when you are significantly overweight, your metabolism is
already at a high rate, so that even a minor reduction in
calories will give you an immediate weight loss.
what happens after that immediate loss, when a plateau
occurs and motivation seems to go by the "weigh"
side? Old cravings and compulsions can quickly return, and
when they do, don't overlook a valuable resource - weight
loss hypnosis. Hypnotherapy can actually retrain your
unconscious mind so that, in essence, you can eliminate food
cravings. When we look at why we snack, understanding why
weight loss hypnosis works so well becomes clear.
most of us, snacking has become a habit - perhaps you do it
automatically when you're watching TV or driving or when
you're under stress. Hypnosis
can actually reprogram your thoughts to break those
associations, leaving you to watch TV or drive without
feeling the need to eat.
of the most successful Lose
weight hypnosis methods for breaking the snacking cycle
is Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, which relies on
negotiating with the unconscious and getting it to use the
same thought processes that are creating your appetite, to
eliminate your appetite. NLP takes many years of study and
practical experience for a consulting hypnotist to learn and
master, but positive results can come very rapidly and seem
almost magical to someone who has always suffered from
can be just as important as exercise and motivation because,
as you read above, because it can help make sure that you
eat the right kinds of foods at the right times, and this is
a key element to turbo-charging your metabolism. If you want
to keep your metabolism at full speed and make sure that all
of your exercise and hard work aren't going to waste by
giving into your food temptations, weight
loss hypnosis and NLP can be a secret weapon to
eliminate your cravings altogether.

� 2007 By Alan B.
Densky, CH. This
document may NOT be re-printed. All Rights Reserved.
B. Densky, CH is a pioneer in the modern use of NLP
and hypnotherapy
for weight loss via appetite
suppression and the author of NLP Programmer's
Guide To Wealth � The Practical Application Of NLP To
Appetite Suppression And Smoke Cessation. His site hosts a
wealth of Free hypnosis resources like hypnosis
videos, newsletters, and a comprehensive article