Thanks to wars, crime, relationship difficulties, financial problems, and chemical imbalances, depression has become a common thing today. The term "depression" can be defined as a mental state (or condition) that is characterized by lack of activity and a negative sense of self.
The term "juvenile delinquency" is quite common today. Have you ever wondered why this is so? Well, researchers say that depression is the most important cause of juvenile delinquency. Inability to meet the expectations of one's parents, jealousy, and failure in love are some of the major causes of depressive behavior.
Depressive behavior gives birth to a number of problems. Excessive intake of liquor, as well as violence and addiction to narcotics are some of the most prominent side effects of depression. Careers are ruined and many families are shattered when people fall prey to the problem of depressive behavior. Not only does the quality of life of the depressed person become pathetic, the lives of the people around them can become miserable.
poses innumerable threats to our health. According to a
survey, people who are prone to depressive behavior are more
obese compared to people who are happy. The ability of a
person to make decisions largely depends on his mental
health; and there is scientific evidence to the fact that
depression hinders the proper functioning of the human
brain. There are hundreds of thousands of adolescents and
middle-aged people who commit suicide every year. And once
again, depression is the very cause behind this.
Before we move on to the subject of depression
treatment, let's first take a look at the various
symptoms of a person who is depressed. Lack of sleep (or
insomnia), failure to make sound decisions, mood swings,
abusive use of drugs, sadness and pessimism are some of the
most common symptoms of depression.
Manic-depressive disorder, which is commonly known as
"manic depression" is another result of mental
imbalance. Most of the symptoms associated with depression
are also symptoms of manic depression. Clinical depression
is the term that doctors use to describe the more severe
cases of depression, which may include a desire to commit
There are some tried and tested methods, which serve as "depression
help" tools. The first method usually resorted to
are the various drugs on the market, and in some cases drug
therapy is warranted. But drugs often have negative side
effects, and in many cases, depending on the source of the
depression, there are other forms of help available.
The good news is that depression can often be cured
without the use of drugs. Medical science has proven
time and again that the use of psychotherapy and
hypnotherapy can help cure this disease. The roots of this
ailment lie deep down inside the human mind - what we
generally refer to as the "unconscious mind".
Hypnosis is the Alpha state of consciousness. We pass
thorough this Alpha state as we are falling asleep at night.
And we pass through it again as we are awakening in the
morning. We also enter the Alpha state when we are deep in a
memory visualizing and imagining what occurred in that
memory. Hypnosis is actually the opposite of sleep. When a
person is in hypnosis, they are wide-awake and aware of
everything around them. Hypnosis helps to provide direct
access to the source of the negative thoughts within the
Many clients who are suffering from mental depression have
been able to lift the depression after several sessions of
hypnosis. Hypnotherapy relies on the use of visualization
and post-hypnotic suggestion to treat mental depression.
Today, consulting hypnotists make use of dozens of
hypnotherapeutic and Neuro-Linguistic techniques to help
clients automatically divert their minds from thoughts that
depress them, to thoughts that both relax and empower them.
Clients are often taught self hypnosis, which enables them
to reinforce the work that the consulting hypnotist has
started. Clients are often taught how to make use of
autosuggestion to ward off negative thoughts. Many people
have cured themselves using self hypnosis.
Decisions made in the past affect our present and even our
future to a great extent. The bad news is that one cannot
change the fact that those decisions were made. But the good
news is that hypnosis can help a person to release the past
and move ahead with positive expectations.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP (as it is better known
as) is an excellent technique for changing what we are
thinking at the unconscious level of mind. NLP has helped
millions to achieve happiness and success at personal as
well as professional levels. NLP is effective for one and
all because it doesn't rely on the use of post-hypnotic
suggestions, which can be consciously resisted. NLP relies
on using the same exact thought processes that created the
depression, to eliminate the depression.
In summary: Hypnosis coupled with NLP can provide a
powerful pair of weapons in the war against depression.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we pass through
dozens of times everyday. One of the best things about
hypnotherapy is that it does not rely upon the use of drugs.
In many instances people have merely thought themselves into
a depression. And in those cases hypnosis can be used to
help them rapidly think themselves out of the depression and
into a more balanced state of mind. Therapy can be
expensive, and affordable hypnosis treatment CDs can often
provide a powerful form of relief.

© 2008 By Alan
B. Densky, CH. This
document may NOT be re-printed. All Rights Reserved.
B. Densky, CH is a certified consulting hypnotist and
NLP Practitioner. Mr. Densky began his career in 1978, and
has help thousands of clients over the years. He offers self-hypnosis
CDs for a wide variety of topics including depression
treatment, stress management, weight loss, smoke cessation
and self-confidence. You are welcome to visit his free
hypnosis article library, or watch his free video hypnosis