If you are someone who is trying to quit smoking, you know how hard it is to overcome this harmful addiction. However, it is possible, and half of all adult smokers are able to succeed and
quit smoking forever.
Many smokers have successfully quit smoking cigarettes by replacing them with new more positive habits, without having to suffer through withdrawal symptoms. By far, the easiest and most effective method to quit smoking and accomplish this end is stop smoking
Stop smoking hypnosis is one of the most commonly practiced forms of
hypnotherapy. It is often cited as a tool to quit smoking along with strategies such as nicotine replacement therapy (the use of nicotine patches or gums) and other popular methods. It works to end the smoking addiction by combating cravings to smoke, motivating you to stay committed to quitting, and promoting relaxation and stress relief so you will not be tempted to smoke.
The smoking addiction has both physiological and
psychological aspects. The physiological addiction is a
physical addiction to nicotine that the body develops. This
aspect of the addiction is what causes the withdrawal
symptoms that make it initially seem near impossible to quit
smoking. However, this is a short, temporary phase in the
overall process of quitting smoking, lasting only between
three days and one week. By the end of this period, your
body adjusts to normal, nicotine-free functioning. Based on
thirty years of experience, I believe that the physical
addiction to nicotine makes up only ten percent of the
smoking addiction.
By far the most challenging part of quitting smoking is
overcoming the psychological addiction, which are the
mental and emotional aspects of smoking. I believe this
represents ninety percent of the cigarette addiction.
When you develop a smoking
habit, you develop an unconscious desire to smoke in certain
situations, such as every morning after breakfast. This is
called a conditioned response. Stop smoking hypnosis helps
eliminate the unconscious associations that cause you to
crave cigarettes, thereby eliminating the conditioned urge
to smoke. Hypnosis also helps you stay motivated to quit
smoking by reinforcing the beliefs that gave you the desire
to quit smoking in the first place.
Smokers get stuck in the habit of following a ritual of
lighting up and smoking. This is why many people who attempt
to quit smoking using nicotine patches or gums alone have
such a difficult experience. They quickly overcome the
physical withdrawal, but they have no replacement or relief
for the ritual of smoking, which has become a habit and
comforting source of stress relief. Stop smoking hypnosis
techniques eliminate this mental addiction and serve as
stress reducers as well. As a relaxation tool, hypnosis
helps effectively relieve stress and anxiety so you will
lose the cravings for cigarettes.
By adding some powerful NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
techniques, stop smoking hypnosis can keep you motivated to
stop smoking by training your unconscious mind to focus on
the benefits of quitting.
Eliminating tobacco
benefits you in many ways. Within days of quitting, body
parts damaged by smoking begin to heal, damaged nerves
re-grow, and your sense of taste and smell improves. Within
weeks, blood circulation and lung functions improve. Within
one year, your risk of heart disease is less than half that
of a smoker. Within five to fifteen years, the risk of
stroke is the same as a non-smoker. Your risk of death from
lung cancer and numerous other cancer risks have decreased,
and your risk of heart disease is the same as someone who
has never smoked.
Despite the dangers of smoking and the health benefits of
quitting, some smokers never overcome their harmful
addiction. For the most part, this is because they've never
really made a decision to quit. Other smokers are afraid to
experience withdrawal symptoms or let go of the smoking
But quitting smoking does not have to be the agonizing
process that makes so many smokers reluctant to even
attempt quitting. Hypnosis is a very simple, natural method
of quitting. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for curbing the
cravings for cigarettes, providing powerful motivation, and
promoting relaxation and stress relief to completely
eliminate the psychological part of the smoking addiction.
Hypnosis techniques to stop
smoking can be easily learned from the specialized
self-hypnosis programs that I developed after decades of
experience using hypnosis, NLP, and Neuro-VISION video
hypnotherapy to help people quit smoking.
Stop smoking self-hypnosis programs make it easy to quit
smoking forever because they break the smoking addiction
in a process that helps eliminate cravings and the desire to
smoke. Whatever your motivation is for quitting, hypnosis
makes it easier to focus your mind on these reasons, which
makes you feel a powerful urge to quit.
Quit smoking hypnosis
programs eliminate the urge to smoke. Although quitting
smoking can be a painful and unsuccessful endeavor for some,
those who utilize stop smoking hypnotherapy CDs have a far
greater percentage of success because it makes the process
easier. It is the most effective method for smoke cessation.

© 2008 By Alan B.
Densky, CH. This
document may NOT be re-printed. All Rights Reserved.
Alan B. Densky, CH pioneered
many hypnotherapeutic methods since 1978, which
have been used to help tens of thousands of smokers
kick their cigarette addiction in dozens of countries
around the globe. One such method is the technology known as
video stop smoking hypnosis,
which he developed and licensed to 253 clinics owned by
physicians and psychologists.
The beauty of Neuro-VISION®
is that it eliminates the client's need to visualize, as the
video projects the imagery into the client's unconscious