Following the South Beach diet is one of the most popular ways to lose weight today. It is based around lifestyle and diet changes that bring healthy weight loss. By avoiding "bad" fats and carbohydrates and eating plenty of "good" ones, dieters can lose weight without sacrificing their health or feeling deprived.
There are three phases in the South Beach diet.
During the first phase, dieters avoid all carbohydrates except for vegetables. Although many foods are not allowed, dieters still have a variety of foods they can eat. The first phase is the strictest phase, but also the shortest since it only lasts for two weeks. Dieters are expected to lose between 8 to 12 pounds during this time.
In the second phase, dieters begin adding the previously banned carbohydrate-rich foods into their diet. Dieters can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week while slowly increasing the amount of carbohydrates in their diet. Phase two lasts until dieters reach their target weight.
third phase is the lifetime maintenance phase. Dieters use their healthy eating
strategies from the second phase to maintain their desired weight throughout the
rest of their lives. If dieters begin to regain weight, they can go back to the
first phase of the diet.
You have probably seen pre-packaged South Beach snacks and meals sold in stores.
These products are highly convenient, but you don't need to buy them in order to
follow the diet. You just need to follow the different general guidelines for
each phase of the program.
During phase one of the diet, you are allowed to eat lean meats, such as
chicken, fish, and turkey, eggs, most vegetables, nuts, and a small amount of
dairy. Fruits and fruit juices are avoided during this phase because of their
sugar content. Also banned are all carbohydrates, fatty meats, alcohol, and
certain vegetables that may have high sugar content, such as corn. The purpose
of this phase is to cut "bad" carbohydrates from your diet and
jumpstart the weight loss process.
During phase two, dieters slowly reintroduce whole grains, fruit, and other
banned foods into their diet. In the process, dieters discover how to balance
their diet to maintain a desirable weight. Once this is successfully
accomplished, the diet transitions into the lifetime phase, in which dieters try
to maintain the healthy habits that brought them to their goal weight.
The key to success with the South Beach diet is dedication to healthy eating.
Although that sounds simple, the South Beach diet and most other diets fail
because dieters give up before the plan can take effect. The difficulties that
most people have with weight loss often stem from deeper issues such as a lack
of motivation, a tendency to overeat, or an inability to control the appetite.
The good news is that all of these issues are treatable with techniques that
anyone can learn from a high quality hypnotherapy weight loss CD program.
To treat a lack of motivation, a technique from a technology called
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) will help give you a powerful urge to stay on
track with your weight loss goals.
First, dieters identify exactly what it is that is most important to them, as an
individual. This is called their "highly valued criteria." Then, NLP
techniques are used to make the dieters believe that by losing weight, their
highly valued criteria will become enhanced. An alternative is to make the
dieter believe that if they don't lose weight, their highly valued criteria will
be in jeopardy.
Motivation is created by what we believe, not by logic! So in the above example,
let's say that the dieter's most highly valued criterion is that the dieter's
children are safe and happy. Using an NLP technique called Submodalities, we can
guide the dieter into believing that if he/she fails to lose weight, the
children will be condemned to emulating their parent and they will be fat and
unhappy. This type of belief will provide a powerful urge and feeling to stick
to a diet and get the weight off.
Other NLP techniques can help to reduce or even completely eliminate the urges
and cravings that compel one to eat too much. This works very well to help
dieters stay on the first and most difficult two weeks of the South Beach diet.
It also helps dieters commit to an exercise program, which will increase the
effectiveness of any diet plan.
Stress is a factor that often drives people to overeat or stop caring about
their health, but stress-relief can be provided by both NLP and hypnotic
techniques. One such technique is called the NLP Flash. With the Flash, having
the unconscious use stressful thoughts as triggers for relaxing thoughts
eliminates the stress that triggers the urge to overeat.
Uncontrollable eating habits can also cause people to gain weight. Many people
have seemingly uncontrollable
appetites because over time, they have unconsciously developed a
"conditioned response" to eat in certain situations. For example, many
of us snack in front of the TV even when we're not really hungry. Fortunately,
hypnosis and NLP both have techniques that can rapidly extinguish these
conditioned responses. These techniques create natural appetite suppression
without pills or drugs.
By targeting the underlying issues that keep dieters from losing weight,
hypnosis and NLP has helped countless people finally get fit and slim for life.
Combined with the South Beach diet, dieters can enjoy natural weight loss and
success at achieving their weight loss goals.
list of the common uses of hypnosis.
© 2008 By Alan B. Densky, CH. This document may NOT be re-printed without
permission. All Rights Reserved. We are happy to grant reprint permissions for
our articles free of charge to approved websites.
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Alan B. Densky, CH is certified by the NGH.
Visit his hypnotherapy website for
Free hypnotherapy downloads, videos, and newsletters. He offers several ways to
lose weight, including hypnosis
for weight loss DVDs and weight
loss hypnosis CDs.