personal issue troubles you the most? Are you too uptight or easily stressed? Do
you work too hard? Do you struggle with an addictive personality? Are you
compulsive about details, or do you forget them too easily? Building a personal
development plan will help you to improve those aspects of your personality that
you want to change.
Personal development is the
process by which people become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.
They seek to solve problems and improve interpersonal relationships by
capitalizing their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses. Before an
individual can successfully accomplish this, however, he or she must take a
serious look at problematic aspects of their personality and determine how to
change them.
Creating a formal personal
development plan requires honesty, perseverance, and hard work. First, evaluate
your strengths and weaknesses as honestly and openly as possible. Then, decide
which of these you are willing to work hard to change. Making these difficult
decisions is a part of personal values development. Next, you must be willing to
work to change those aspects of yourself that are least congruent with your own
personal values.
Building a personal
development plan often requires input from another, trusted person in your life.
Find someone who knows you better than anyone else, and ask that person to offer
his or her perception of your strengths and weaknesses. Explain your interest in
self improvement, and ask this person to help you in your quest for personal
Many self help books offer
personal development tips that are extremely general. While these can sometimes
be of use, they aren't always very helpful in specific situations. Furthermore,
it is almost impossible to construct a formal personal development plan without
interaction and feedback from a trusted professional.
Other traditionally used
techniques for self improvement include behavior therapy and support groups.
Although these can be helpful, they can only assist people to focus on those
aspects of negative attitudes and behaviors of which they are aware. These
approaches focus on the symptoms, rather than the actual root, of the problem.
A newer, more effective way
to help people deal with personality issues and capitalize on their strengths is
personal development hypnosis. Hypnotherapists can use this treatment to assist
clients to develop a formal personal development plan. These professionals help
people to objectively identify their weaknesses and to focus on creative,
effective ways to work toward self improvement.
Often, people who are
critical thinkers or resistant to directional suggestions find the traditional
forms of self help hypnosis to be less effective than people who are very
suggestible do. For these critical thinking individuals, Ericksonian methods of
personal development hypnosis, as well as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),
are much more effective. These methods are very successful in helping
analytical people work toward self improvement.
People who struggle
with stress in their lives often benefit greatly from self help hypnosis.
During the therapy session, either through regression or simply the increased
recall that is possible through hypnosis, the client may be able to explain some
causes of stress that are subconscious and pervasive. After learning about the
causes of the client's stress, a professional hypnotherapist can then offer
personal development direction that will help the client to eliminate stress
from his or her life. Often, simply becoming aware of the causes is enough to
motivate and encourage many people to work toward resolving these issues.
Individuals who struggle with
to food or tobacco often benefit from Ericksonian or conventional
traditional types of self help hypnosis as well. Through hypnotic suggestion,
they become less psychologically dependent on food or cigarettes to deliver
feelings of peace and tranquility. Furthermore, hypnotherapy
practitioners can help clients conquer the unconscious associations between
food, cigarette smoking, or tobacco chewing and pleasurable activities such as
reading or watching television.
Developing a successful
personal development plan may take the help of a detached third-party
professional. The challenge is to be able to honestly identify one's strengths,
and to use these strengths to overcome undesirable weaknesses. Many people have
difficulty even admitting their weaknesses to themselves; they struggle even
more with discussing these weaknesses openly in behavioral or group therapy.
Self help hypnosis is an
ideal tool for helping people to address these problems at the unconscious
level, where they originate. Professionals who practice this approach can also
help clients by offering direct or indirect suggestions for helping them in
their quest for personal development.
Summary: Most people have
some aspect of their personality or behavior that they would like to change.
Conventional self improvement books and behavioral therapies that try to help
people form a personal development plan are limited by their inability to
address the problem behaviors in the unconscious mind, where the problems
originate. Personal development hypnosis that uses either traditional or
Ericksonian methods is an ideal therapy for helping clients to overcome their
weaknesses by focusing on the root, rather than the symptoms, of the problem.
Since many people are
reluctant to admit their shortcomings to others, or they lack the necessary
funds to afford the help of a therapist, quite often hypnosis recordings made by
a competent hypnotherapist who is proficient at Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP can
be very successful.
list of the common uses of hypnosis.
© 2008 By Alan B. Densky, CH. This document may NOT be re-printed without permission. All Rights Reserved. We are happy to syndicate our articles to approved websites.

Alan B. Densky, CH has helped to
guide the self development efforts of clients since 1978. He specializes in
stress related symptoms and addictions, and offers a comprehensive list of self
help hypnosis titles on his Neuro-VISION® self-hypnosis for self-development