are many strange phenomena of hypnosis. Some of these are
muscle catalepsy, positive and negative hallucinations,
amnesia and anesthesia. These strange phenomena, that may be
produced while a subject is in a hypnotic state, are
directly related to the depth of hypnosis.
of hypnosis can be visualized and imagined by comparing the
hypnotic state to a swimming pool. Some people like to swim
on the surface of the water, others like to swim under water
anywhere between the surface and the bottom of the pool.
Those people who swim on the surface are shallow subjects.
Those who swim be�tween the surface and bottom are anywhere
from medium to deep hypnotic subjects. Generally the deeper
a subject is in hypnosis, the more quickly the subject will
accept post-hypnotic suggestions. Also, the deeper a subject
is, the more phenomena of hypnosis that may be produced.
The following chart is
broken up into six categories: Whereas Category (Depth) I
would be the lightest state of hypnosis, Category (Depth)
6 would be the deepest possible state. This scale of depths
is commonly referred to as the. Aron's Scale, as the man who
devised it is Harry Aron's.
1) Eye
catalepsy First level
2) Arm
and hand catalepsy Second level Small muscle group catalepsy
3) All
muscle groups catalepsy
Aphasia (name or
number block)
All of the above phenomena +
Analgesia (light
olfactory and gustatory hallucinations
through strong direct suggestion Pseudo-age regression
All of the above +
amnesia without suggestion Anesthesia
hallucinations of all sensory perception
Age regression
All of the above +
Negative sensory
first four levels of hypnosis are termed mnesic or memory
retaining levels. The fifth and sixth levels are amnesic
levels in that generally a subject will emerge from hypnosis
without any conscious memory of what took place during the
fifth level of hypnosis is termed somnambulism. The sixth
level is termed profound somnambulism. Less than 20 percent
of the population is capable of reaching the somnambulistic
levels. Approximately 60 percent of the population fall into
the medium depth levels of three and four, and ap�proximately
20 percent of the population fall into the first and second
levels of hypnosis.
The phenomena in level one, Eye Catalepsy, is
defined as the inability to use the eyelid muscles through
suggestion. Catalep�sy refers to a rigidity of the muscles.
the second level of hypnosis, more muscular control is
gained in that arm and hand muscles may be made rigid or
cataleptic through suggestion.
the third level of hypnosis complete muscular control is
gained in that any muscle group in the body may be made
cataleptic through suggestion. This is the level which is
necessary to make a person's entire body rigid so that he
may be stretched between two chairs and then have heavy
weights placed on his body as is done in many stage and
television shows. However, I strongly urge you not to
attempt any such demonstration. You are not invulnerable
when in hypnosis. You may be able to produce phenomena such
as that described in this paragraph, but you can also do a
great deal of damage to your musculature and skeletal
system. Even though the phenomena may be produced, there is
no guarantee that you will not herniate a muscle or damage
your spine.
is the ability to block the pronunciation of a word such as
a name or number. The subject is able to think the word in
his mind but not pronounce it through his vocal chords.
the fourth level of hypnosis, it may be suggested to a sub�ject
that he has forgotten his own name and he will. It may be
suggested to him that he will have amnesia for any
particular information and this will generally be the case.
Automatic writing is a technique where a subject is
consciously unaware of what his hand is writing. This is a
technique which may be used to get suppressed or buried
information from the subconscious mind.
regression is a greatly increased recall of past events. It
differs from true age regression in that there is not an
actual re-living of the events with all the emotion that was
originally encountered. Analgesia is a light anesthesia, a
numb�ing where the sensation of pressure can be felt but
pain has been eliminated. Positive olfactory and gustatory
hallucina�tions refer to the fact that a person can
actually taste or smell something, which does not exist at
the moment through sugges�tion and imagination. Example: A
person visualizes himself eating a tuna fish sandwich. He
actually smells and tastes the tuna fish as he visualizes
himself eating it.
the fifth level of hypnosis, positive visual and auditory as
well as kinesthetic hallucinations are possible. A subject
can see things, which do not really exist. He can hear a
bell ring through suggestion or feel something, which he is
only hallucinating visually.
age regression can be accomplished. The subject feels as
though he has been placed in a time machine and believes
that he is actually re-living previous experiences com�plete
with all the emotion that he originally experienced.
the sixth level of hypnosis, it is possible to produce
negative hallucinations of all senses. Example: A person who
stands in front of the subject becomes invisible; A loud
noise is not heard; A table is not felt; An odor is not
smelled or a food has no taste.
I would like to emphasize at this point that even though a
subject may fail depth tests, this does not mean that the
subject is not truly at that depth or that hypnosis is not a
good method for self-improvement for that particular
individual. The various depths of hypnosis are extremely
arbitrary in that some sub�jects will pass some of the
tests at a particular depth and fail others while they are
able to pass depth tests for a deeper level. I am presenting
this information to you solely as an education.

� 1982 By Alan B.
Densky, CH. This
document may NOT be re-printed. All Rights Reserved. |