is the past director
of the Fort Myers Appetite & Smoking Control Center, and The
Center For Applied Hypnosis.
The center was formed in Feb. of 1978 to specialize in appetite control and smoke
cessation through hypnosis.
Since forming the center, Mr. Densky has successfully
treated over 10,000 clients. He has
also aided people with stress, pain, migraine, phobias, and
the development of
in 1986, Mr. Densky has combined his skill
as a certified hypnotist and a
Neuro-linguistic programmer with the magic
of modern video technology.
who developed the largest professional practice specializing in appetite
control and smoking cessation south of Sarasota, Florida is a licensed
hypnotist with extensive training and certification in Neuro-linguistic
programming, a sort of "space age" hypnosis.
He attended the Hypnosis Consultation & Training Center and The
Southern Institute of NLP.

*As a
Certified member in
good standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists, Alan follows the NGH
Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Read them here:
NGH Code of Ethics

Alan B. Densky, CH
has authored several published text books on hypnosis and NLP
and has received clients by referral from many medical
greatest thrill, he says, comes from hearing success stories of his former
He began franchising Neuro-VISION® Appetite & Smoking Control
Centers in May of 1987, but changed to a licensing format to
make Neuro-VISION more available to licensed members of
the healing arts instead.
Densky released the
technology to the consumer market in

Alan Relaxing At Home